assistant, Guide to being a good assistant, Personal Assistant

Things to ponder this holiday….


I saw this picture earlier today and though those are some interesting ideas for me to explore over the next few weeks as the year comes to a close. What better way to work on being a great assistant in your life then some self reflection and ridding yourself of bullshit.

I am completely grateful for the point I am at in my life and thing that the new year is gonna bring more growth and I want to be able help my readers out there with some growth when and where I can.

The hard part about growth is that it requires you to take a REAL and HONEST look at yourself and learn to accept and or change those parts of yourself that others tend to snub their nose at you about.

So prepare to take a trip into the deepest parts of yourself and be real and maybe learn so,etching in the process because this is what assisting is all about. Sometimes we have to out it all out there and say the hard shit, but it’s never with malicious intent but to help guide and shape those who we assist.

I hope all over you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving!!

Come back to us soon and be prepared to put in work!!



One thought on “Things to ponder this holiday….

  1. Pingback: I “doubt” you’ll believe me. | The Distant Assistant

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